The series finale takes its place among the HBO fantasy hit show's 73 episodes ranked from the worst to the best 'Game of Thrones' episodes. Game of Thrones fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. House Mercer House Baratheon of Frozen End's House Harrigon House Stormsail.
The Stormland army is traditionally commanded by House Baratheon.
Pyromancers' Wildfire Blackwater Schwarzbier Targaryen Dragon Mead Dragonstone Dragonstone Meat and Mash King Stannis's Fish Stew The Stormlands Storm's . When Robert died, Renly declared himself king and married Margaery Tyrrel in Highgarden. Nymeria & the 10,000 Ships of the Rhoynar. Filming took place during 106 shooting days. Catelyn arrives at Renly’s camp in the Stormlands … ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Arianne II (The Winds of Winter) Description.