We suggest a revision of the distribution range limits of easternmost L. maxwelli is not only endemic to Iraq but also the most recent subspecies. perspicillata, we uncovered three Evolutionarily Significant Units and proved that L. cinereus being reciprocally monophyletic. capensis (African clawless otter) grouped in a clade sister to the genus Lutra, with L. As reported in previous studies, we found that L. Moreover, 16 Aonyx cinereus (Asian small-clawed otter) and seven Lutra lutra (Eurasian otter) were sequenced to increase information available for phylogenetic reconstructions. Fifty-eight modern and 11 archival (dated 1882–1970) otters sampled from Iraq to Malaysian Borneo were genotyped (mtDNA Cytochrome- b, 10 microsatellite DNA loci). We investigated the phylogeography of the smooth-coated otter ( Lutrogale perspicillata) to determine its spatial genetic structure for aiding an adaptive conservation management of the species.